Episode 16: Dealing with Overwhelm

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Tony Robbins said, “Most people overestimate what they can do in a year, and they underestimate what they can do in two or three decades.” There’s a lot of stuff you need to do when building a business, and sometimes you will feel overwhelmed. You will feel frustrated thinking that your efforts are in vain. But you must remember that you’re in it for the long haul.

So here’s another training from Tom Gaddis. When you combine the things you will learn from this episode with the previous episode on SMART goals, you have the perfect formula for success. So what are you waiting for? Grab a cool drink and enjoy the episode.


“If we don’t prospect, we don’t get clients. If we don’t get clients, we don’t really have an agency. How we get from where we’re at to prospecting on a consistent basis is the main crux of building a digital remote agency.” 

– Tom Gaddis


In This Episode:

  • The biggest struggle for most people building a business
  • How important is it to do a Time Audit?
  • Establishing a realistic assessment of your situation using the Strengths and Weaknesses Audit 
  • What’s stopping you from doing the only thing that matters when trying to get your business off the ground?
  • Here’s a simple formula for tracking your progress
  • The recipe for building and growing your business 
  • How do you make the most of the holiday season?
  • Why the coming New Year is the ideal time to push forward with prospecting
  • Tactics for overcoming overwhelm and continuing to do revenue-producing activities

And much more…




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