How to Have the Worst 2023 Ever blog post images

You’ve got big plans for your business in the new year, right? It is that time, after all, as 2023 looms ahead. 

Normally, we like to give advice for remote entrepreneurs about how to improve sales, increase traffic to their website, and encourage client relations. But you’ve probably heard about all that before. Instead, let’s take an honest look at the real possibilities you could create in the new year. I have tips you can use to welcome the worst year for your business.

Why Try to Get Ahead?

Every entrepreneur seems to have plans for a stellar year of growing their business, expanding their audience, and increasing revenue. They’ve got ideas about how to manage their schedule, network effectively, and build recurring revenue. But anybody can do that… if they have the right tools and mindset. 

I suggest going against the grain. Why not plan for your worst year yet

Set Yourself Up for Failure in 2023

Try these 5 tips, and create a secure path to your failure:

1. Try To Do Everything Yourself

The sure way to head toward burnout is to take on all the responsibility you possibly can. Let your task list grow into more items than you can functionally handle, and determine yourself that you can control it all.

Don’t outsource time-consuming, menial tasks or try to hire employees to assist you with your workload. No one cares as much as you do about your success, so you must tightly grip every responsibility. Don’t try to automate any processes, because you need to personally oversee every aspect.

If you face all of this head-on, you’ll make deep impressions on the road to burnout.

2. Don’t Pitch to Prospects

Repeating tried-and-true habits is the best medicine to stay comfortable. If you want to stay stagnant, don’t bother with the extra effort of learning new skills and pitching new services to clients. Why would you feel the need to expand your offers to current clients when you’re so good and experienced at what you already do? 

Find your way in 2023 by waiting for new clients to find you. Let them ask about what they need, and allow them to figure out what services you offer. They need to do a little work, anyway. Anything good must be earned, right?

3. Avoid Return Customers

You don’t need customers or clients to come back for multiple rounds of services if you’re comfortable earning your current revenue. In this case, you have no need for the repetition of recurring revenue. Don’t worry about addressing their unique needs or whether they’re satisfied with your services. Offering continued services on a regular basis or suggesting additional services creates more work for you, in the long run. Your shrinking revenue will continue its trends when you disengage with former clients.

Better yet, don’t try to get clients to give your business reviews about positive experiences. Don’t incentivize referrals. If you do, you’ll have too many clients knocking at your door, asking for consultations, and trying to book your services.

4. Forget About Passive Income

Passive income takes time to set up on the front end. It draws in revenue while you sleep. If you’re sleeping, how can you oversee the process? Making money takes work. Work as many thankless hours as you can while you make money per hour, per job, and per task. When you finally catch up on a week’s worth of sleep in one afternoon, you’ll thank yourself.

Many entrepreneurs have begun selling online courses clients can purchase and participate in on their own time. Some offer digital books or online communities for a fee that adds up between multiple buyers. They may require occasional maintenance, but for the most part, the creator spends their energy elsewhere. If you want a disappointing 2023, it’s best to avoid any of these ideas of earning passive income.

5. Don’t Spend Any Money On Learning

Let’s talk practicality. With that revenue getting smaller, you either need to save money or pour it all back into business expenses. Spending money on courses and educational books, participating in mastermind groups, or attending networking events really only gives you more opportunities to learn and connect with other business owners. Purchasing courses and going to workshops only gives you more information to think about.

Besides, who has time for investing in themselves and thinking about new ideas when they have that huge task list we’ve talked about? Not you!

I hope you’ll find something here you can use in 2023 to have a completely unproductive and discouraging year. At Remote Millionaires, we’ve got even more great tips about how you can ruin your business (with success). If you want to actually learn how to build a recession-proof, automated business, check out our FREE, 15-minute training and start generating at least $8k per month in weeks.